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Mustadrak – Hadiths Regarding Salat

ALLAH (SWT) has said in the Noble Qur'an: "I have not created the jinn and humankind for any other purpose except that they should worship Me."

Considering the above mentioned Holy Quran Verse it is quite clear that the purpose of Muslim is to obey and worship Allah. The question is what the best way to accomplish this objective is. Our beloved Prophet Hazrat Mohammad SAW teaches us the answer of this question. His teaching reveals that Allah loves most who pray Salah (Namaz) on time.

There are numerous Hadith’s depicting the significance of Namaz and it is compulsory upon all mature Muslims. This post is a collection of Hadiths collected from the Imam Hakim’s Book Mustadrak. All Hadiths emphasizing on the importance of Salat (Namaz) and rewards for Muslim umah

Importance of Namaz

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